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My Band Shirts


You know how I’m crazy and get a lot of band shirts?

Yeah. Here they are.

1. Yeah.  It’s Signed.

New Antennas Up shirt. Signed by the band. From left to right (then down): Bo McCall, Kyle Akers, The Ryantist and Jonny Universe.

This doesn't do justice to the awesomeness of the shirt. But it looks like the picture is puffing out the words "Antennas Up." That was too perfect for me to pass up.

The boys signed it and sent it to me.  They get serious props for that.  Oh, and the whole making good music thing.  They get props for that too.

And now I want all of you Springfieldians to follow them on Twitter, like them on Facebook, sign up for their mailing list and harass them until they come to Springfield again.

2. Yeah.  It Rocks.

Ludo Concert Shirt that my friend Nicole made.

My friend Nicole made these shirts for us for the August 2011 Ludo concert (as the pictures tend to let you know…whatever).  She made them the night before.  It’s covered in glitter from us spraying each other with canned glitter…because we were sparkly alien creatures.

And, if you’ll remember from the Without A Face post, Henry Dillard signed the sleeve of the shirt.

It was such a successful night.  Also, send your love to Andrew  Volpe, lead singer of Ludo, and his wife.  He just announced they’re expecting a baby!

3. Yeah. It’s Artsy.

The Decemberists 2011 "Popes of Pendarvia" shirt. Not, however, the official concert shirt.

This shirt means a lot to me for a whole bunch of reasons.  First, it’s the Decemberists.  You know how I feel about them.  Second, it was my first Decemberists concert.  My brother and my friend Brett (he of excellent arm reach from the Ludo concert last month) took me to it (it was my Christmas present from my brother) and we had an amazing time.  John Moen, the drummer, sang me a song.  He WAS singing to me.

And the shirt is awesome by itself.  It’s a pic of Jenny Conlee, multi-instrumentalist for The Decemberists, and it’s just so…cool looking. I feel cooler wearing it.  It’s like I add ten points of cool.  Also, I think I lost all of those points for the future by acknowledging that said points exist.  Damn.

4. Yeah. It’s Psychic.

Mister Heavenly shirt. See! It says "Out of Love"! That's their album title! So clever!

This just seems to encapsulate Mister Heavenly completely.  A pinch of nostalgia, a sprinkle of raspiness, all mixed together with some honey and awesome drums…it’s not a perfect recipe, but it’s a tasty one.  Assuming you’re a person who eats music.  Which would be weird.  Please don’t do that.

Anywho, Mister Heavenly’s great and so is this shirt.

5. Yeah. It’s A Propeller.

Tommy & The High Pilots shirt. It's simple and pretty great.

This is the High Pilots shirt I ended up getting after they didn’t have a different one in my size.  And, you know what?  It was divine intervention.  Because this shirt is great and, in a moment of shameful immodesty, it looks pretty great on me.

And this shirt has a warm, fuzzy memory attached to it.  Matt Palermo, drummer for the High Pilots, sold me this shirt personally.  Man, I love those guys.  That’s another band you all need to help me bring back to Springfield.  Let’s make that happen.  Flitter with them here, Book their Faces here, and peruse their site here.

So those are my band shirts.  What?  Those could be the only ones I have.  YOU DON’T KNOW ME.

My Loot...errr...band shirts.

Oh.  Those.  Right.  Well, if you want to get technical, sure.  I have a few.


The Decemberists – 3 shirts, 1 hoodie

Tommy & The High Pilots – 3 shirts

Ludo – 3 shirts

Antennas Up – 2 shirts

Fun. – 2 shirts

Mister Heavenly – 1 shirt

Without A Face – 1 shirt

Ha Ha Tonka – 1 shirt

I’d say I’m done collecting shirts.  But you know me better than that, don’t you?

Good night darlings!

PS: New contest announced soon (probably Wednesday).  Be prepared (though not Jeremy Irons prepared…props to those who get the reference).

PPS: My quest to listen to Paste Magazine’s Top 50 Albums of 2011 is going well…there are some winners and some duds.  I’ll be sure to release a full review list once I’ve finished.  Why don’t you go ahead and get started?  You’ve got a bajillion hours, right?

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